Thursday 6 December 2012

My Sister's Hen Party


On the 27th October this year my mom and myself hosted my Sisters Hen Party! It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining and we had a week of rain and chill so we were very fortunate for the weather. However it did rain in the early evening. Though what I say, “Rather rain for the hen party and sunshine for the Wedding Day!” A bargain we had to make. Now I must tell you, it felt like I was hosting “The Party” of the year. I must have started saving in January for the event as I only wanted the best for my sister’s Hen Party. I even went as far as hiring a photographer for the event so that my mom and I would not have to run around taking pictures. Instead we were able to entertain and enjoy ourselves. I highly recommend hiring a photographer. I was fortunate enough it get Linzelle, who had shot my makeup workshop in July. She had captured moments that I would not have been able to. She had also taken beautiful pictures of the food, decorations and of our guests.

I must thank my mom for the extra special touches she had done. She had made flags to hang in the garden and she had used quality quilting fabric with backing to improve the quality. I had searched The Pretty Blog for the free printables. I found flags for our carrot cake, labels for the treats and cards of “advice” for each quest to fill in for Chani to keep. We served Tranquil Blush from Pierre Jordan and Ginger Beers from Woolies. Maccaroons, layers of cheese, figs and fresh breads. We did a mosaic “welcome” for my Sister’s home as the activity, which all the ladies enjoyed doing!My mom played such an important role, she sure is amazing!


On the 8th Dec, this Saturday my sister will marry her soulmate John. I am sure we are all going to have a beautiful day. I have quite a weekend ahead of me. I am so excited to share t.such an amazing day with my family! I will keep you posted!

Thursday 1 November 2012

The Zahir

According to the writer Jorge Luis Borges, the idea of the Zahir comes from the Islamic tradition and is thought to have arisen at some point in the eighteenth century. Zahir, in Arabic means visible, present, incapable of going unnoticed. It is someone or something which, once we have come into contact with them or it, gradually occupies our every thought. Until we can think of nothing else. This can be considered either a state of holiness or of madness. 
Paulo Coelho is one of my favourite writers. When he writes or speaks, he is able to create a world that I am absolutely fascinated by. A world of love, adventure, mystery and sacrifice. When I started my blog post of Denise, I looked at the first picture of her. She has an amazing beauty however there is something mysterious about Denise.. I immediately thought of The Zahir, by Paulo Coelho.  

I can imagine that we all have our own Zahir, hopefully one that will always point us in the right direction.. Anyway, keep warm on this chilly Thursday morning. Time to start looking forward to December holidays.

Wednesday 24 October 2012


Whenever I look at pictures of Olivia I cannot help but feel envious of her beautiful skin. Olivia has amazing skin and she looks after it. In the pictures her complexion is radiant and her natural beauty shines through. She must be one of the most beautiful brides I have ever done makeup on.


It was a spring wedding, if I remember correctly. It was an early start and it was raining. Luckily the weather cleared and Olivia had a lovely day. The wedding was held outside and her colour theme was different shades of pink. The wedding suited her bright, outgoing and positive personality. You cannot help but look when Olivia talks or enters the room, she is a gifted women.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Chani's Wedding Scrapbook

I want to share my sister’s scrapbook with you. My sister has been an excellent “scrap booker”ever since it became a craze! Soon after Chantell got engaged she started her Wedding scrap book. My sister is a primary school teacher, she is incredibly organised and has gotten straight to work. What has also helped is that she is super creative! We all come from a creative/artistic family though my sister is the true artist in the family. Chani is able to create anything. Most importantly to mention is that she is a mean portrait painter.

I wanted to share it with you today as my sister has found some lovely ideas for her "diy shaby chic" wedding. My Mom and Chani have been doing most of the decor arrangements and sourced (and cost effective too) the beautiful Tiffany Chairs, Printable from local blogs and hard sweets.


Chani is doing the photo booth, green apples for table decorations, juice in Consol jars and will be using the black chalk boards to list the menus and table settings. Though I am certain she will add and change some of her ideas along the way.

One of the most exciting ideas she has come up with is the idea below. My mom and sis are making these delicate soft fabric tassels that hang from string, from the reception ceiling. The two are still busy making the lot as we only discovered recently that what we thought was enough, wasn't. So we more than likely will be spending some weekends working on these tassels.

She has even found a miniature wooden couple from Ikahya to put on her wedding cake. Even though Chani's scrapbook is very visual, you can see that her theme and color theme connects all these pictures together. She is following her theme of soft and natural tones/colors, wood, romance and fun. Make lists and compare prices, then remove whatever you do not need and book/hire what suits you best. This rather overwhelming process has been made rather easy through my sister's scrapbook (weird, I also got nervous when she announced the date and I knew we hadn’t done anything and I am not even the bride!!)